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Mystery Guest

The concept of the Mystery Guest has become a valuable tool for assessing customer service quality in businesses and establishments.

The Mystery Guest is a strategic ally in ensuring that companies offer exceptional service and strive to meet their customers’ needs. Their incognito evaluation is a powerful tool for business growth and excellence.

Special Offers

About Us

Who We Are?

We are the Tamarindo Loyalty Club, an exclusive community that connects beach enthusiasts with the best establishments in Playa Tamarindo and its surroundings. Our mission is to create a unique experience for our members by offering exclusive benefits and fostering strong business relationships.

What We Offer?

Exclusive Discounts: Tamarindo Loyalty Club members enjoy special discounts at a variety of local businesses. From restaurants and shops to recreational activities, our partners offer preferential rates exclusively for our members.

Affiliation Program: We not only want to reward our members but also express our gratitude for their support. That’s why we’ve created an affiliation program. When a member refers a new partner, both receive special gifts. It’s our way of saying “thank you” for helping us grow!

Digital Advertising for Businesses: If you’re a business in Playa Tamarindo, joining the Tamarindo Loyalty Club is an excellent way to increase your visibility. We promote our partners through our digital channels, which means more exposure for your company and ultimately more customers.

Join the Community
Are you a beach lover? Do you want to enjoy exclusive discounts and be part of a vibrant community? Join the Tamarindo Loyalty Club today and discover everything we have to offer.

Welcome to the Tamarindo Loyalty Club family!

everything about


Significant Savings:

The one-week and one-month tourist packages offer savings of approximately 200% compared to the membership price. Visitors can enjoy the club’s advantages at a much lower cost.
For annual or resident packages, the savings are even more impressive, reaching over 500%. This makes the membership a highly beneficial investment.

Exclusive Experiences:

TLC members have access to exclusive experiences in Tamarindo and its surroundings. This may include discounts at restaurants, recreational activities, tours, and more.
Being part of the club provides local connections and personalized recommendations.

Referral Program:

The TLC encourages member referrals. Those who refer others earn additional points.
These points accumulate, and when the target amount is reached, they can be redeemed for special rewards. It’s an excellent way to reward loyalty and active participation!

Events and Activities:

Club members receive invitations to exclusive events, such as themed dinners, wine tastings, concerts, and more.
They can also participate in group activities organized by the TLC, providing opportunities to socialize and meet other members.

Local Support:

By joining the Tamarindo Loyalty Club, members also support the local community. The club collaborates with sustainable businesses and projects in the area.
It’s a way to contribute to Tamarindo’s development and preservation while enjoying the benefits of membership.

In summary, the TLC membership offers significant savings, exclusive experiences, rewards for referrals, and the opportunity to be part of an active community. Join the club and discover everything Tamarindo has to offer!


one week member

$ 189
00 +IVA
  • Ideal for a vacation budget over $1890
  • The highest customer service in Town
  • Earn money buy savings
  • Great for tourists

one Month member

$ 369
00 +IVA
  • Ideal for a vacation budget over $3690
  • The highest customer service in Town
  • Earn money buy savings
  • Great for tourists

long-term member

$ 36
90 +IVA
monthly cost payable annually
  • Ideal for a leisure budget over $369 monthly
  • The highest customer service in Town
  • Earn money buy savings
  • Great for residents
  • Loyalty gifts
Commitment to

Sustainable Development

At Tamarindo Loyalty Club (TLC), we are deeply committed to sustainable development and the preservation of our environment. We believe it is our responsibility to care for our community and the natural world, ensuring a better future for generations to come.

In this spirit, we take pride in supporting the Tamarindo Integral Development Association (ADIT) in their key initiatives:

  1. Security: We work alongside ADIT to enhance safety in our area. Collaboratively, we implement prevention programs and raise awareness to create a secure environment for everyone.
  2. Infrastructure: We recognize the importance of robust infrastructure for sustainable growth. We support projects that improve the quality of life for Tamarindo’s residents and visitors.
  3. Environment: Environmental protection is paramount to us. We actively participate in conservation efforts, reforestation, and environmental education. Our goal is to preserve the natural beauty that makes Tamarindo special.
  4. Tourism: As part of our sustainable vision, we collaborate with ADIT to promote responsible tourism that respects local culture and the natural surroundings. We want visitors to enjoy Tamarindo consciously and sustainably.

Together, TLC and ADIT work toward building a better future for our community. We extend our gratitude to our members and partners for being part of this cause.

Let’s continue moving toward a more sustainable and prosperous Tamarindo for all!

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“A review from a customer who benefited from your product. Reviews can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”


“A review from a customer who benefited from your product. Reviews can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”

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